緯穎將在2024年世界行動通訊大會(MWC)展出基於第5代Intel® Xeon®處理器、加速人工智慧的邊緣運算伺服器,適用於多樣化應用。緯穎的模組化產品使得多元化邊緣運算應用的有效實施成為可能,涵蓋人工智慧、無線接入網(RAN)、內容傳遞網路(CDN)、固定無線接入(FWA)和寬頻,確保在不同的使用環境中無縫運作。
Vertical Use Cases with Partner Collaborations
Leveraging own proficiency in server design and manufacturing, Wiwynn actively working with eco-system partners to create synergies of combining expertise from hardware, software, and solution integration.
For different industry vertical applications, Wiwynn’s open RAN solution is designed to reduce infrastructure complexity and meet the field environmental constraints, and its short-depth form factor is perfect for diverse edge locations. With Wiwynn optimized solutions, you can realize 5G and create more possibilities, which people could never imagine before.