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Sustainable Supply Chain
Innovation with Green Technology
Eco-Friendly Operation
Driven People with Shared Beliefs

ESG Sustainability

Ensuring environmental sustainability while promoting digital development through innovative approaches to achieve the goal of caring for and benefiting society and the environment.
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Vision and Mission

Wiwynn focuses on sustainable supply chain, Innovation with green technology, Eco-friendly Operation, and Driven people with shared beliefs, and establishes strategies and directions accordingly. We clearly define the role of Wiwynn in promoting each strategy and have set the short-term (2025), medium-term (2028), and long-term (2030) goals. These were reported to the board of directors on February 26, 2024, striving to achieve the vision of "Unleash the power of digitalization, Ignite the innovation of sustainability".

Sustainable Development Goals

  Item 2025 2028 2030
Sustainable Supply Chain
Supplier Code of Conduct Signing Rate 95% 98% 100%
Sustainable Supplier Self-assessment Completion Rate 95% 98% 100%
Audit and Improvement Counseling for Key and High-risk Suppliers 100% 100% 100%
Promote Supply Chain Greenhouse Gas Inventory Verification by Third Parties 60% 80% 100%
Promote Supply Chain RBA Third-party Verification 70% 80% 100%
Supplier ESG Training Rate 100% 100% 100%
Innovation with Green Technology
FLOPS per Cooling Power Consumption >2.5 >5 >10
Revenue Proportion from Low-carbon Products 60% 80% 90%
Products Using Green Metals 50% 70% 90%
Recycled Plastic Utilization Rate in Products 50% 65% 85%
Eco-Friendly Operation
Commitment to Renewable Energy Usage 75% 90% 100%
New Self-built Factories Meeting Local Regulations for Green Building at Gold Level or Above 100% 100% 100%
Global New Low-power PCBA Production Lines 15% 60% 100%
Reduce Idle Power Consumption for Cabinet Product Testing 10% 5% 2%
Driven People with Shared Beliefs
Proportion of Female Managers 26% 27% 30%
Talent Rotation Proportion 6% 7% 9%
Global Engagement Survey [Diversity and Inclusion] Scores Align with Willis Towers Watson High-performance Company Norms Maintain Top 25% Top 25%
Global Employee Engagement Survey (IDL) Participation Rate 80% 85% 90%
Global Engagement Survey [Sustainable Engagement] Scores Compared to Willis Towers Watson Company Norms Align with High-tech Norms Align with High-tech Norms Approach High-performance Norms
Proportion of Employees Using Volunteer Leave 2% 4% 6%

Actions Responding to the SDGs

Material Topics and Management

Wiwynn conducts an annual materiality analysis process, following the requirements of GRI 3: Material Topics 2021, covering impacts on the economy, environment, and people (including human rights). Through a three-phase identification and analysis process, Wiwynn identifies topics with significant impact on the economy, environment, and human rights, defining them as Wiwynn's material sustainability topics.

Phase Process

.Identified 6 key stakeholder categories and selected 21 sustainability topics.

The main purpose of this phase is to identify Wiwynn's primary stakeholders and select sustainability topics. In terms of stakeholder identification, according to GRI Standards and the stakeholder engagement standard AA1000 SES, we identified 6 key stakeholders, including: employees, customers, suppliers, government agencies, investors and financial institutions, and community/non-profit organizations. For sustainability topics, we focus on four major aspects of sustainable development: "Governance," "Innovation," "Environment," and "Social Inclusion." We incorporate both internal and external perspectives, including international sustainability regulations and standards, industry-specific issues, sustainability ratings, stakeholder communication, and internal business goals, redefining and consolidating 21 sustainability topics.
.Double Materiality Analysis: Distributed 110 questionnaires, including assessments of operational and sustainability impacts, to evaluate levels of concern.

In addition to conducting online surveys to gauge the level of concern from the 6 key stakeholder categories, we also introduced the EU-driven concept of Double Materiality. This assesses the importance of sustainability topics from two perspectives: "Operational Impact," which affects the company's growth and financial performance, and "Sustainability Impact," which affects the external economy, environment, and people. For "Operational Impact," we consider each topic's impact on Wiwynn's revenue, costs, customer satisfaction, employee cohesion, and social influence. For "Sustainability Impact," we assess each topic's positive and negative impacts on the economy, environment, and people (including human rights) within the company's operational activities to measure the significance of these impacts.
.Determined and Confirmed 11 Material Topics

Based on the analysis results from Phase 2, and through discussions with 5 senior executives and confirmation by the Board of Directors, we identified 11 material topics from the initial 21 sustainability topics.
We present these topics using a value chain approach, allowing stakeholders to understand the stages and impacts of different topics within the value chain, and using this as a basis to strengthen the company's sustainable governance.


Matrix Results




Stakeholder Engagement

Wiwynn identifies six major categories of stakeholders through the five principles of the AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard (SES): dependency, responsibility, influence, diverse perspectives, and tension. We consider the issues and objectives of stakeholder engagement to understand the concerns and needs of various stakeholders. Through various appropriate channels, we effectively communicate with stakeholders and report the communication status and material topics to the Board of Directors annually. The most recent report to the Board was on February 26, 2024.
Importance to Wiwynn
Employees are essential partners of Wiwynn and the cornerstone for maintaining stability and continuously creating value.
Focus Issues
Salary and Benefits / Human Rights / Occupational Safety / Healthcare / Learning and Promotion Opportunities / Grievance Channels
Communication Effectiveness
.Training: Average of 40.32 hours for indirect staff, 23.90 hours for global employees; average training cost per person NTD 1,270.13.
.Internal Development: 88 cross-disciplinary transfers, 26.53% internal vacancy fill rate.
.Cultural Diversity: Respect for different cultural beliefs, establishment of a prayer room.
.Occupational Safety: Optimization of protective equipment (e.g., NRR 31dB noise-canceling earmuffs), complete replacement of ergonomic chairs.
.Safety Awareness: Enhanced occupational safety, health, and first aid training.
Communication Channels/Frequency
1. Company Website
2. Internal Website and Physical Electronic Bulletin Board
3. Employee Grievance Hotline and Email
1. Employee Relations Promotion Committee
2. Occupational Safety and Health Meetings
3. Employee Welfare Committee
4. New Employee Orientation Sessions
Performance Reviews and Assessments
Ad Hoc
1. Employee Surveys
2. Various Levels of Communication and Work Meetings
Importance to Wiwynn
Customer recognition and support are key to Wiwynn's continuous growth.
Focus Issues
Innovation Management / Product Quality and Service / Customer Safety / Customer Privacy / Corporate Integrity / Risk Management / Hazardous Substances and Conflict Minerals Management / Plastic and Carbon Reduction Strategies / RBA Compliance
Communication Effectiveness
.No complaints regarding violations of hazardous substance bans or customer requirements.
.Safety design is incorporated at the initial stage of product development.
.Collaborated with customers and partners to develop computing platforms that optimize workloads.
.Used recycled plastics and steel, reducing CO2 emissions by 2,490 tons in 2023.
Communication Channels/Frequency
1. Company Website
2. Customer Service Hotline and Sales Contacts
1. Industry Technology Seminars and Exhibitions
Ad Hoc
1. Business Meetings
2. Customer Audits
1. QBR (Quarterly Business Review)
2. Various Levels of Communication and Work Meetings
Importance to Wiwynn
Suppliers are important partners, maintaining long-term strategic alliances to ensure stable supply and quality, and quickly adopting new technologies to respond to growth.
Focus Issues
Corporate Integrity / Operational Status / Production Strategy / Raw Material Requirements / Sustainable Supply Chain Management
Communication Effectiveness
.Launched a three-year supply chain carbon reduction plan for 2023 to 2025, establishing a sustainable supply chain platform for online and bilateral communication with supplier partners.
.Wiwynn continuously requires suppliers to achieve 100% investigation and use of minerals from 100% qualified smelters.
.Continuously encourages suppliers to obtain international standard certifications.
.Trained procurement staff to implement sustainable supply chain management, creating mutual benefits with the supply chain.
Communication Channels/Frequency
1. Company Website
1. Supplier Evaluations
2. Supplier Conferences
Ad Hoc
1. On-site Guidance and Audits
2. Supplier Surveys
Importance to Wiwynn
Government agencies oversee corporate rewards and penalties, influencing sustainable operations and image. Maintaining good communication and mutual trust with the government is the foundation of corporate sustainable development.
Focus Issues
Corporate Integrity / Corporate Governance / Regulatory Compliance / Tax Policies / Cybersecurity Management / Intellectual Property Management / Labor Relations / Workplace Safety / Waste Management / Carbon Emission Data Management
Communication Effectiveness
.No major violations in 2023.
.Completed relevant filings as required by government and regulations regularly.
.Supported various tax policies for corporate innovation, research development, and economic growth.
.Diverse communication platforms and channels to build employee consensus, ensuring harmonious labor relations.
.Engaged qualified agencies for waste disposal, ensuring that waste generated by the company's operations complies with environmental, safety, and health disposal procedures.
Communication Channels/Frequency
1. Company Website
Ad Hoc
1. Official Correspondence
2. Participation in Seminars/Briefings
3. Inspections by Regulatory Authorities
4. Public Information Observation Post
Importance to Wiwynn
Investors have the right to fully understand the company's financial and business information to assess its value, which helps in stabilizing operations and maintaining fair stock prices. Financial services support flexible operations, and enhanced ESG transparency helps build mutual trust with financial institutions.
Focus Issues
Economic Performance / Risk Management / Product Development / Corporate Governance / Corporate Integrity / Climate Issues / Ethical Business Practices / Regulatory Compliance / ESG Performance
Communication Effectiveness
.Consolidated revenue in 2023 was the second highest in history, with gross margin, operating margin, and net profit margin after tax reaching historical highs.
.Included in the "Taiwan 50 Index" and "FTSE Taiwan Sustainability Index".
.Received a leadership level A- in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).
.Selected in the S&P Global 2024 Sustainability Yearbook Top 10% and awarded the Industry Mover Award.
Communication Channels/Frequency
1. IR Email
2. Company Website
1. Shareholders' Meeting
1. Investor Conferences
Ad Hoc
1. Public Information Observation Post
2. Joint Meetings with Partners
Importance to Wiwynn
Wiwynn is committed to creating value that benefits society and shares this value with the community.
Focus Issues
Public Welfare Promotion / Local Engagement / Industry-Academia Collaboration
Communication Effectiveness
.Collaborated with the Tzu Chi Foundation to promote nature conservation and environmental education.
.Public welfare procurement helps disadvantaged groups maintain employment and integrate into society.
.Received a leadership level A- in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).
.Engaged in industry-academia collaboration with domestic and international universities, promoting the sharing of knowledge, technology, and resources through industry-academia exchanges, providing students with employment opportunities, bridging practical experience, and nurturing innovative talent.
Communication Channels/Frequency
1. Employee Relations and Welfare Committee Contacts
2. Company Website
1. Sustainability Report
Ad Hoc
1. Project Collaboration and Visits

Download ESG Report and Documents

This report is prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards issued by the Global Reporting Initiative, following the Core option, and refers to the industry standards of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) as well as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as reporting principles.



Wiwynn provides the channels of communication with stakeholders, including of employees, suppliers, customers, shareholders, as below:

Spokesperson: CFO Harry Chen
Deputy Spokesperson: Frances Wu
Tel: +886-2-6615-8888
Email: IR@wiwynn.com

ESG Contact 
Email: ESG@wiwynn.com

Business Conduct 
Email: Ethic@wiwynn.com



Survey Link

To ensure effective communication with stakeholders regarding our sustainability report, we kindly ask for your feedback and suggestions to help us understand the issues that matter to you. Your input will serve as a crucial cornerstone for information disclosure in the report.