Whitepapers - Wiwynn

White Paper: O-RAN 5G AI Server: AI/ML Training and Inference Platform

Written by Press | Feb 25, 2024 1:00:00 AM

The O-RAN Alliance's new network architecture revolutionizes 5G and B5G by disaggregating RAN functions and automating performance control, addressing the complexities of diverse 5G requirements. To tackle these challenges, it introduces intelligent RAN controllers (RICs) that use AI/ML for dynamic management of RAN configurations and resource allocation, aiming for optimal service quality and operational efficiency.

Wiwynn contributes with its AI server range, tailored for 5G RAN virtualization and enhancing the RIC platform. These servers support the physical layer of RAN and expedite ML training and inference, facilitating multi-cell inference tasks and achieving rapid response times in accordance with O-RAN control standards. This integration of advanced AI/ML capabilities into RAN management signifies a significant leap forward in network efficiency and responsiveness, ensuring that future wireless networks can meet the escalating demands of modern telecommunications.

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