News - Wiwynn

Wiwynn Statement on “RAMBleed” Issue

Written by Press | Jun 12, 2019 9:48:40 AM

On June 11, researchers published a paper entitled “RAMBleed Reading Bits in Memory without Accessing Them”.  RAMBleed describes attacks on DRAM modules that are already susceptible to Rowhammer style attacks. Systems using DRAM modules mitigated against Rowhammer style attacks remain protected from RAMBleed. On certain microprocessors, the researchers describe a method to reveal partial physical memory address information that does not contain user secrets. This information is not required to enable RAMBleed, and even with revelation of this information, systems with DRAM modules mitigated against Rowhammer style attacks remain protected against RAMBleed.

Wiwynn’s servers based on Intel Xeon® Processor E5 v3 Family  (Haswell EP) are related to this issue. Utilizing DRAM modules resistant to Rowhammer style attacks is recommended.  This includes the majority of DDR4 DRAM modules.

Customers can contact for further supports and
find more information from Intel-SA-00247.